language: steel bank common lisp (sbcl) prompt:
#!/usr/bin/env -S sbcl --script
(with-open-file (input "input")
(let ((timestamp-raw (read-line input))
(busses-raw (substitute #\SPACE #\, (read-line input))))
(defvar timestamp (parse-integer timestamp-raw))
(defvar busses
(concatenate 'string "(" (substitute #\0 #\x busses-raw) ")")))))
(defun next-after-timestamp (n)
(list (- n (mod timestamp n)) n))
(defun find-best-next (busses)
(reduce (lambda (a b) (if (< (car b) (car a)) b a))
(map 'list #'next-after-timestamp (remove 0 busses))))
;;; Part 1 solution
(let* ((best-next-buss (find-best-next busses))
(bus-id (cadr best-next-buss))
(delay (car best-next-buss))
(weird-product (* bus-id delay)))
(format t "Product of bus id (~a) and delay (~a): ~a~%"
bus-id delay weird-product))
;;; Helpers
(defun range (end &key (start 0) (step 1))
(loop for i from start below end by step
collect i))
(defun range-inclusive (end &key (start 0) (step 1))
(range (+ 1 end) :start start :step step))
(defun zip (as bs)
(map 'list #'list as bs))
(defun enumerate (as)
(zip (range (length as)) as))
;;; Period hacking.
; I'm not amazing at maths. This is sort of based on my understanding of this:
(defun find-period (a-pair b-pair)
(let ((a (car a-pair))
(step (cadr a-pair))
(b (cadr b-pair))
(offset (car b-pair)))
(loop for i fixnum from a by step
when (= 0 (mod (+ i offset) b)) return (list i (lcm step b)))))
(defun find-multi-period (busses)
(let* ((enum-busses (remove-if
(lambda (pair) (= 0 (cadr pair)))
(enumerate busses)))
(start (cadar enum-busses))
(rest (sort (cdr enum-busses) #'> :key #'cadr)))
(reduce #'find-period rest :initial-value (list start start))))
;;; Part 2 solution
(format t "The time when it all comes together: ~a~%"
(car (find-multi-period busses)))