language: racket prompt:
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(define (extract-line line)
(and (non-empty-string? line) (string-split line " ")))
(define (format-line entry index)
(list index (first entry) (string->number (second entry))))
(define the-code
(make-immutable-hash (sequence->list (sequence-map format-line
(in-indexed (filter-map extract-line
(file->lines "input")))))))
(define (compute-line addr acc code seen)
[(set-member? seen addr)
(eprintf "Error: Attempted to traverse to already seen address.\n")
(eprintf "addr: ~a\nacc: ~a\n\n" addr acc)
[(hash-has-key? code addr)
(let* ([seen (set-add seen addr)]
[line (hash-ref code addr)]
[op (first line)]
[n (second line)])
(printf "~a: ~a ~a | ~a\n" addr op n acc)
(let ([addr (case op [("jmp") (+ addr n)] [else (add1 addr)])]
[acc (case op [("acc") (+ acc n)] [else acc])])
(compute-line addr acc code seen)))]
[else (printf "Final result: ~a\n\n" acc) #t]))
; Part 1, expected to error out.
(compute-line 0 0 the-code (set))
(print "Type something to continue: ")
; Part 2, searching for a non-error case
; We can flip one jmp to nop or one nop to jmp.
(define swap (hash "jmp" "nop" "nop" "jmp"))
(define swapped-codes
(lambda (line)
(let ([add (first line)]
[op (second line)]
[n (third line)])
(and (hash-has-key? swap op)
(hash-set the-code add (list (hash-ref swap op) n)))))
(hash->list the-code)))
(define (run-variant swapped-code)
(compute-line 0 0 swapped-code (set)))
(findf run-variant swapped-codes)
(printf "Done.\n"))